Tag Archives: Diffuser

Avett Brothers Song Review

I reviewed the Avett Brothers ‘The Carpenter.’

Overall, ‘Live and Die’ is slice-of-life and it’s also roadside rootsy, with a banjo being featured prominently in both the mix and the melody. It gives the song a decidedly Americana feel.

Read the rest of my review of the Avett Brothers ‘The Carpenter’ on diffuser.fm.

The Mars Volta, ‘The Malkin Jewel – Song Review

I reviewed the latest song from The Mars Volta, ‘The Malkin Jewel.’

‘The Malkin Jewel’ is just over four minutes of unconventional rock, with an epic coda that features computerized blips and beeps, but the song never embodies that cold, sterile or synthetic “laptop rock” style. ‘The Malkin Jewel’ has a pulse and it brings heat, simply capturing your attention and holding onto it, as you anticipate what the duo behind the instruments will do next.

Read the rest of my review of ‘The Malkin Jewel,’ by The Mars Volta, over at Diffuser.

The Drums, ‘Days’ Song Review

I reviewed the new song, ‘Days’ by the Drums for Diffuser.

‘Days’ reminds us of a movie soundtrack song, like music designer for a montage in an edgy film where there’s an unrequited romance as a key subplot. The song is also percussive, like the band’s name, but it’s not smashing you over the head. The rhythmic pulse serves a different purpose and is as immediate as your own heartbeat. That’s also how intimate the song is.

Read the rest of my review of ‘Days’ and (listen!) by the Drums over at Diffuser.

Garbage, ‘Blood for Poppies’ Song Review

I reviewed the latest song from Garbage, ‘Blood for Poppies.’

It’s been seven (long) years since the band released an album, but judging from ‘Blood for Poppies,’ which is, in fact, poppy, they’ve made it well worth the wait. The song will transport you to that period in the mid’-’90s when Garbage owned alternative radio. Yes, we remember when alt rock radio was surging and Garbage were a huge part of the wave. ‘Blood for Poppies’ will have you feeling all sorts of nostalgic, without making you feel old — and that’s a big difference.

Read the rest of my song review of ‘Blood for Poppies,’ by Garbage, (and listen!) over at Diffuser.

Foo Fighters ‘Bridge Burning’ Song Review

I reviewed the song ‘Bridge Burning’ by Foo Fighters.

There’s a pulse-pounding beat that is woven throughout the song, preparing the listener for further sonic detonations. It’s not an easy listen, but it’s one of those fist-in-the-air anthems that can cause a “pop up” mosh pit at one of the band’s shows; that is, the pit will last for that song and order will be restored when the last note of the tune fades out.

Read the rest of my song review over at Diffuser.

Arcade Fire, ‘Abraham’s Daughter’ Song Review

Arcade Fire’s ‘Abraham’s Daughter’ appears on the soundtrack for the Hunger Games, and I reviewed the song over at Diffuser.

There’s a militaristic beat woven throughout and an overall military cadence set against the ominous instrumentation, but it’s tempered by the ethereal, female vocals of Régine Chassagne. She’s almost like a mirage, making you feel like things will be okay, but then the nervous instrumentation won’t allow itself to be kept at bay.

Read the rest of my song review (and listen!) over at Diffuser.